How to Work With the Full Worm Moon In Virgo

The Full Moon in Virgo is Tuesday, March 7th

It’s time to take the energy of the full moon and let the past rest in peace as we step forward into the new with courage, confidence and resilience.

There is a quality to choices made now. They will stick and you will never go back to how it was. As with the Fool card, there is abundant passion, excitement and pure joy as intentions are set to journey into the new realm of our lives. It is a true leap of faith with power and commitment to action behind it. The Fool is alone, besides his dog. There is faith that the direction is correct even though you are venturing into the unknown.

Be flexible— Having no map means you may need to go around some obstacles or climb over them. Invite in guides and allies. They watch your journey and whisper messages. Your actions and integrity give others an example of how to step into their own sovereign paths thereby building community. Invite others to create with you and lift others up as you would like to be lifted up by others.

Continue on with the theme for 2023 and practice self-love, which includes self-care. Silence the inner critic with the neutral mind and with a gratitude practice, even around challenges which are a way for us to grow.

Invite in people and guides to support you and show you the way by affirming what you already know intuitively.

Virgo astrology sign artwork

Image by Dorothe

We are being asked to problem solve from a new bag of tools, what once worked may no longer solve. Instead, be open to receive new creative ideas and new solutions.

There is a lot of moving energy, around and within us. Use movement to utilize this energy. If it gets backed up, use practices that dispel it. When you feel the energy of passion or creativity swell, ride it like a wave. When anger or frustration build use movement, breath and voice to discharge it and clear your field. When your nervous system is in chaos use tools to come back to balance.

Don’t get pulled into others chaos! Stay in your own lane and focus on where you are going, remembering your intentions and manifestations as your bulls eye. Instead of judging others, use discernment and disengage when your nervous system becomes dis regulated. Your body knows. Listen. Hone your skills with practice and learn tools from those that have gone before you. As always, I am here as a way show-er. Here to share the tools we all need.